Frank Hofmann and Axel Beckert are working on a free book about Debian Package Management. It will be available as e-book and printed book at Onyx Neon.

The book "Debian Package Management" is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Read or Download the Book
You can also read it online or download as either single HTML file or as PDF, Epub or Mobipocket file.
The additional building of the book on GitBook has been disabled as it never worked properly, it recently requested write access and then renamed some files without asking first.
Source Code
The book’s source code can be found on GitHub.
Will this book also cover building Debian packages?
No, with exception of building meta packages and packages to fulfill unwanted dependencies, building Debian packages will not be covered. It would go far beyond the scope of this book.
Will there be an English translation of the book?
The chances are good.
Will the book be helpful if I only run Debian derivatives?
Of course. While the book also covers some debian-specific things like e.g. the way of a package from Debian Unstable via Testing to Debian Stable, it mostly covers the existing tools. Additionally it will also explain differences in case something works differently in a popular derivative.
Talks and Articles
Talks and Articles about Debian Package Management
Talks (in English and German) and already published articles (in English) about Debian package management by Frank and Axel:
Talks about the Book
You can find the current slides also on GitHub.
DebConf15, Heidelberg, Germany, 20th of August 2015: Lightning talk (5 minutes, Video recording, talk starts at 06m08s)
-, Dornbirn, Austria, 21st of November 2015: Talk (German, 45 minutes)
Debian-Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany, 26th of November 2015: Talk (German, 45 minutes)
Rencontres Hivernales du Libre, Saint-Cergue, Switzerland, 9th of January 2016: Talk (English/French, ca. 1h)
Aptitude Handbook (official, uptodate documentation)
Perl module CGI::Github::Webhook, which initially has been written for use with this book.
Tips and Tricks
List of Debian Mirrors at Hetzner (Can be used in /etc/apt/sources.list as e.g. deb mirror:// stable main to choose one of these mirrors randomly.)